A website dedicated to uncovering the world of Quantum Computing (QC) through the eyes of the QC Guy.
Please feel free to leave comments and requests for any specific articles/areas of QC that you would like the QC Guy to cover in his next blog.
Quantum Mechanics (QM), and by extension, Quantum Computing, is an area that is still in its nascent stage of being understood. Even Einstein found the fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics baffling. QCGuy tries to demystify the world of QM/QC by shedding light on various aspects and topics in the field with the hope that it will generate more interest in the broader community.
Because the only way the human race will progress in the 21st century is by opening up to the weird and wonderful nature of the quantum world and knowing that everything is not always what it seems.
There is far more happening around us than what meets the eye.